
Dennis Hoffman and The Nature of Reality

Perplexity Massive data loss.... The great math mystery "Math works so well to describe reality because math is all there is." just 32 numbers and a bit of math Lex Fridman & Dennis Hoffman The Case Against Reality (In Kindle) This may be the wrong question: Does math work so well because it's how we perceive reality or is math a fundamental property of the Universe? Missing is the idea that consciousness itself is essential and that a mathematical description of consciousness could be "fundamental" - more "fundamental" than what we think of as "reality." "The elegance of math meets the messiness of reality" - but this is a clue to how we simplify reality for efficiency. 

Dream Yoga

Perplexity Mentioned in "The Creative Way of Being" Details in this video.

Actual Buddhism

 Here is my Perplexity thread , which dives deeply into Buddhism. For those who claim that Buddhism is not a religion, it's essential to go beyond the basics (Noble Truths, 8 Fold Path) and look at what actual, practicing Buddhists believe. A few things pop out: Nothing written down until over 400 years after death of Buddha. Reincarnation, even the divinity of Budhdha a theme Other gods feature in the stories There is no definitive proof of the Buddha's existence from his own time; the combination of later textual and archaeological evidence, along with the historical impact of Buddhism, leads most scholars to accept that Siddhartha Gautama was a historical figure. However, many details of his life and career as recounted in Buddhist traditions are difficult to verify historically. Approximately 22 years passed between the death of Jesus and the first Pauline epistles. The Pali Canon is the oldest written account of Siddartha's life, written 454 years after Buddha's de

Buddhism Reconsidered

  There are already a few essays here about Buddhism and/or Zen . My life circumstances conspire to make me take these ideas seriously as a guide for life. So this post is "home" for a few thoughts about using Zen ideas to cope with life. Here is a link to the "Buddhism" category in Perplexity . I'm sorry, but you can't see the dialogue if you don't have a subscription. For me, it is packed with information, questions and answers. For quick reference, here is a summary of the 8-fold path of Buddhism. I have difficulty remembering it all: Wisdom (Prajna)Right View (Samma Ditthi) - Understanding the Four Noble Truths and the nature of reality as it is. Right Intention (Samma Sankappo) - Cultivating intentions of renunciation, good will, and harmlessness. Ethical Conduct (Sila)Right Speech (Samma Vaca) - Abstaining from false, harsh, slanderous, and idle speech. Right Action (Samma Kammanto) - Refraining from killing, stealing, and sexual

Facebook and Bing (With French Translation)

FRENCH TRANSLATION (GEMINI) Facebook crée une communauté. J'utilise BING comme une sorte d'université de l'IA générative : BING U. Je préfère le rôle d'étudiant, donc mon travail est de trouver de bons professeurs. Voyez-moi comme le gars qui vous fait visiter le campus et qui sait s'y retrouver, mais c'est un étudiant lui-même. Microsoft BING est gratuit et très puissant. C'est un excellent moyen d'apprendre l'IA générative et un outil standard que tout le monde dans mon école imaginaire possède. La façon de trouver un professeur est de voir son travail dans un groupe Facebook. Ensuite, enregistrez l'image qui vous a tapé dans l'œil dans un document Word (ou un éditeur de documents de votre choix). Par exemple ... Johan Koops Ce que nous avons trouvé ici n'est pas seulement l'invite de l'image, mais un enseignant qui partage les invites de toutes ses images. Recherchez des artistes qui travaillent principalement avec BING. Ne vou

Facebook and Bing - A Killer Combination

 This is a partial list of groups I belong to that focus on Generative AI art: Facebook creates community. I use BING as a kind of Generative AI university: BING U.  I prefer the role of student, so my job is to find good teachers. Think of me as the guy who shows you around the campus and knows his way around, but he's a student himself. Microsoft BING is free and very powerful. It's an excellent way to learn Generative AI and a standard tool that everyone in my imaginary school has. The way to find a teacher is to see their work in a Facebook group. Then, save the picture that caught your eye in a Word document (or document editor of your choice). For example ... Joe McIntosh What we have found here is not only the prompt for the picture but a teacher who shares the prompts for all his pictures. Look for artists who work primarily with BING. Don't get distracted by other platforms or techniques. Learn to do one thing well before shopping for better tools. The best Facebo

Some Notes on Generative AI

 It's been some time since I have made notes on my "Gen AI" adventure. Here is an update in no particular order: THEORY The current wave of AI is based on "Large Language Models" (LLMs). Roughly speaking, these are models of the human language and how words (tokens) relate to each other. The LLM reflects the vocabulary of the particular AI application. Many databases of pictures are "tagged" or described in words the AI "understands" because the words are in the LLM. To this, add the magic of graphics cards, and you will have the ability of AI to find pictures that "look like" any given picture. Given these pictures, you have the associated words or tokens, which can then be matched to the "prompt." Ultimately, you have a two-way conversation about pictures mediated by the AI's vocabulary (the LLM). The key idea is that the words AI uses to describe a picture are automatically part of its LLM, so they can be used to cr