ISIS - A Case Study

Feb 17, 2015 - ISIS zombies behead 21 Egyptians for the crime of being Christian ISIS is death cult* : a perfect example of a dragon being born right before our eyes, apparently from nowhere. It's easy to see ISIS as horrible, inhuman and deeply frightening. Unless you have actually been assimilated by ISIS, this is all very obvious. If you are playing close attention to the reaction in the West, you may also be somewhat dismayed at the hollowness and lack of in-depth understanding of how ISIS stepped on to the world stage. There is a lot of hand-wringing about it's all the fault of the Western powers (the core leadership of ISIS is not religious - it comes from former Ba'ath party members -- Saddam's party) -- a logical consequence of centuries of meddling in Muslim affairs. This is perhaps true, but only in that ISIS could not exist without an enemy, just as the Third Reich could not exist without the Jews. The US was created as not-England. France was created not b...