Explaining Explanations
The history of philosophy is polluted by centuries of ersatz "explanations" that are really simple stories to be told around the campfire. For example, the sun rises and sets "because" a god is riding his flaming chariot across the sky. Nobody around the campfire asks why the god is doing this or how the storyteller know this is the case. I carried my own twisted ideas of "explanation" into my first year of University physics whereupon, after mastering the math behind Newton's theory of gravitation, I asked the instructor, But what is gravity? He said that it was not a proper task of physics to answer such questions. Physics only describes the world. Of course, this does not stop some physicists who still want to know "why" the gravitational constant is what it is, or "why" the Big Bang happened. It is obvious to anyone, that such explanations if they are ever discovered, will only lead to more questions. Most people are not terribl...