Inside Performance Art

What does it feel like to be a person whose daily life is dominated by performance art? It's possible to be the world's greatest car salesman (certainly a performance), yet feel that "this isn't me". Perhaps the money has coaxed him away from who he really is or should be. This is touched upon by Buddha's eight-fold path, which is: Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration Buddhism is the grandfather of what we now call "mindfulness", which I think of as Buddhism without the hocus pocus. Our hypothetical car salesman is ignoring rule 5 - Right Livelihood. He is also breaking virtually all the other rules by his focus on selling cars rather than doing something truly important (to him). He is an excellent car salesman - a job that requires a wide and deep understanding of human nature and a performance that is fine-tuned to every customer in ev...