The Corporation, Revisited

I wrote this piece back in 2016. At the time, I was concerned by the way humans self-organize into predatory entities. Of course, these entities are "alive," consisting of living humans. But in the big picture, these entities exhibit their own life. In my terminology, back then, they were "dragons." It's 2024. Time for an update. There is a "flip side" to this theory. It's about how humans are assimilated into this machine. It turns out that assimilation is easier for most of us to understand since intelligent machines are (for most of us) a subject of Science Fiction ("AI"). In fiction, "AI" is presented for dramatic purposes as something super-human and implacably opposed to human life. "Real" AI is something else entirely. It presents a real and present threat precisely because it is poorly understood. Most of us are familiar with the concept of assimilation. We take it for granted that "social" animals fo...