
Image by Tengr.ai STORY BY GOOGLE GEMINI PRO Hecate, a powerful and enigmatic figure in Greek mythology, is a goddess associated with magic, crossroads, the night, and the underworld. Her origins are somewhat obscure, with various accounts suggesting different lineages. Some sources identify her as the daughter of the Titans Perses and Asteria, while others claim she is the offspring of Zeus and Hera or Zeus and Demeter. Despite the uncertainty surrounding her parentage, Hecate's significance in the Greek pantheon is undeniable. She was a revered goddess known for her vast knowledge and powers over the earthly, celestial, and underworld realms. Unlike most other Titans, who were overthrown by the Olympian gods, Hecate retained her authority and influence, a testament to her power and wisdom. One of Hecate's most prominent roles is as the goddess of magic and witchcraft. She is often depicted carrying torches, keys, and daggers, symbols of her power over boundaries and transitio...