The Myth of the Secular
This is a very interesting discussion of may issues, including our distinction between the "secular" and "religious". It's a great introduction to both subjects. CBC "Ideas" On The Myth of the Secular Here are a few things I took from the discussion ... Use of the term "religion" as a noun, referring to a body of dogma, a bright line between "believers" and "non-believers" etc. is relatively modern. It comes from Europe in the 16th century and accounts for a lot of misunderstanding. Motivation behind being a "religious" Muslim and how it's quite different from what we imagine. "Religious" communities as global alternatives to the modern moral view which has it's moral horizon at a national border A fascinating discussion of fundamentalism in general Discussion of nationalism as a religion, especially when it comes to sacrifice, such as our willingness to die to defend a transcendental concept Co...