A Conversation with a Christian
[Some useful perspectives on overcoming the human condition (or not) - personal info redacted . "Christian" seems holds a reasonably popular and liberal view of Christianity - she's not a fundamentalist, but thinks the Bible somehow has all the answers. She is certainly not familiar with the Bible, but thinks she is -- a common situation of "believers". As many believers do, she demands that opponents "read the Bible" to learn what it "really" says. This attitude generally comes from enthusiastic but selective Bible study, not from the in-depth start-to-finish study typical in a University level course in the Book and associated historical context. You just can't know what you don't know ...] She's also not an American, so is probably unfamiliar with with the litany of crimes that America has committed against humanity in the years since World War II] [09:13] (You): 2 names -- officially "diary of a christian skeptic" [0...