"Fear" A Review
This review may or may not be published by Amazon for an interesting reason: The book is an instant best-seller. I don't think I'm the only one who read it straight through as soon as I could get my hands on it. Amazingly, it seems that Amazon is being swamped with reviews ! For what it's worth, here's my take ... Portrait of a Malignant Narcissist Woodwards's book comes as no surprise for those who have been watching this sick man spiral dangerously into a fantasy world as he violently casts off all who attempt to challenge his delusions. Woodward provides dozens of examples of this, along with the assessment of those closest to Trump: that he his a professional liar and a moron. Nothing new here. What we need to notice is how crazy and detached from reality this man really is. He is perfectly willing to explicitly risk World War III because he is unhappy with the real estate South Korea has granted to the US MIlitary. It's all about money and projection of...