"Fear" A Review

This review may or may not be published by Amazon for an interesting reason:

The book is an instant best-seller. I don't think I'm the only one who read it straight through as soon as I could get my hands on it. Amazingly, it seems that Amazon is being swamped with reviews!

For what it's worth, here's my take ...

Portrait of a Malignant Narcissist

Woodwards's book comes as no surprise for those who have been watching this sick man spiral dangerously into a fantasy world as he violently casts off all who attempt to challenge his delusions.  Woodward provides dozens of examples of this, along with the assessment of those closest to Trump: that he his a professional liar and a moron. Nothing new here. What we need to notice is how crazy and detached from reality this man really is. He is perfectly willing to explicitly risk World War III because he is unhappy with the real estate South Korea has granted to the US MIlitary.  It's all about money and projection of strength. Of course, Trump is not strong. He is seriously disabled. What little strength he has comes from the bizarre circumstance of him holding a powerful office. Woodward endlessly documents how Trump is completely unaware of how that office works. Unwilling to be tutored on any subject, Trump's responses to those limitations are rants and personal attacks. He his happiest spending hours every day watching Fox News.

Trump's personality disorder has been in plain view for many years. "Dangerous Case" summarizes it as "Malignant Narcissism". Trump's behavior checks so many boxes for so many definitions of "crazy" that the only way to disagree is to offer some other equally damning pathology. 

As I write, the day after the publication of "Fear", Mr. Trump is on the air praising his actions in the Puerto Rico hurricane (in 2,975 American citizens died because of the incompetent response of the Trump Administration). It was a huge success. It would be hard to imagine clearer evidence that Trump has cast off any moorings he may have had to this world and set sail for the world in which he is, in his own words, the Greatest President in History. But if you want more examples, read Woodward's book.

While Woodward is terrified at the danger, it's plain that he bends over backward to present a balanced account of many of the issues. For example, we find reason to doubt that Mueller will ever come up with an Obstruction of Justice case, even though obstruction is taking place daily in plain view. We see the possibility that Trump's admiration for Putin is just another symptom of his admiration for raw, unchecked power. Trump's continued attempts to circumvent the law are presented as instances of his utter ignorance of the way government works, along with his refusal listen to anyone's advice that contradicts his narcissistic delusion that he his King of America.


  1. Malignant narcissism is a great term because it implies danger and that is for sure. The only problem is getting the Evangelical Right to see this danger and admit that it is there. They seem to be his political base right now and they seem to think that he is some kind of prophet as described in the Cyrus Prophecies. Cyrus, being the first king of Persia who was semi benevolent and cared for his people. Anyway, it is difficult to deal with his sort of ego. If he is impeached, he wont go, and he says there will be rioting in the streets. However, the mid-term elections may tip the balance of power in Congress to the Democrats, at which time the first order of business will be the approval of impeachment proceedings. Then you will really see him go nuts.


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