Day 79 - A Message From Happy Land
A conversation with an American oncologist. Amazingly parroting the Trump line. It will be over soon. Priority is to get back to work. 60,000 deaths, not a problem, people die all the time. He shows absolute contempt of politicians, but seems to have completely swallowed the Republican dogma about the Corvid crisis. He feels himself to be immune from influence because he is presumably a medical expert.
We start by sharing our means of coping with the strange new reality. To me, his strategy seems to be getting lost in Trump's happy land.
We start by sharing our means of coping with the strange new reality. To me, his strategy seems to be getting lost in Trump's happy land.
[06:58:54]: the trick is to set boundaries and deal with real personal issues
[06:59:06] Me: the outside world is a story you are free to ignore
[06:59:17] Bill Lovejoy: For me, RL is challenging and you never know what is around the next corner
[06:59:19] Me: I have my house, my dog, all day to cook ...
[07:01:10] Bill Lovejoy: Life hasn't changed much for me, except that I watch my daughter more than usual. I still go to work every day and go about my life pretty much the same as before all this virus stuff
[07:01:24] Me: many people do ...
[07:01:33] Me: that's the trick - see things as they are
[07:01:38] Me: this is the "new normal"
[07:02:35] Bill Lovejoy: This will pass, life will be as it was next year
[07:02:46] Me: I take it more seriously
[07:02:47] Me: well
[07:03:01] Me: the fastest anyone has ever developed a vaccine is 4 years
[07:03:45] Bill Lovejoy: We can't wait for a vaccine
[07:03:47] Me: no sign of US curve flattening out - Trump actively enticing protests to favor economy over lives
[07:03:53] Me: so the US will be a hot spot for years
[07:04:12] Me: a vaccine may not be possible
[07:04:30] Me: we don't know if we develop immunity when exposed
[07:04:41] Bill Lovejoy: 60,000 people died in the US last year from different strains of influenza, and that was with known vaccines
[07:04:48] Me: but the scene in NY is the new normal for the USA
[07:04:53] Me: in Canada, not so much
[07:05:08] Me: but our economy is in trouble of course
[07:05:13] Bill Lovejoy: NY will get past it soon, we all will
[07:05:32] Bill Lovejoy: People need to get back to work
[07:05:36] Me: sorry that's just happy talk
[07:05:59] Bill Lovejoy: Guess I see it different, that's all
[07:06:04] Me: not sure how many deaths Trump needs to win the election
[07:06:25] Me: I see facts, not sure what the alternative is
[07:06:30] Bill Lovejoy: this isn't about politics
[07:06:31] Me: "hope" I guess
[07:06:40] Me: it's 100% politics
[07:06:48] Me: US is NOTHING LIKE Canada
[07:06:55] Me: no politics in Canada
[07:07:08] Me: and we are ok outside of the old folk's homes
[07:07:13] Bill Lovejoy: well, everything in life is, but for the average person, it's about quality of life
[07:07:50] Bill Lovejoy: So why lock yourself in the house
[07:08:08] Me: I'm not locked in
[07:08:18] Me: but I am very careful and so is everybody
[07:08:42] Me: I can shop for stuff I need, meet with close friends, ...
[07:08:53] Me: walk the dog and meet hundreds doing the same
[07:08:56] Me: fly my drone
[07:09:10] Me: I am busy and happy
[07:09:29] Bill Lovejoy: people are going to die, they do every day, for a plethora of things, but the mortality rate is extremely low, and everyone understands much better about social distancing and how to protect themselves
[07:09:47] Me: but cases are slowly growing. no sign of it being "over" any time soon
[07:10:41] Bill Lovejoy: Time to get on with life, the world can't survive like this
[07:10:45] Me: 54,161 corvid deaths in USA so far
[07:10:57] Me: 3,000 gave you guys 9/11 panic and 2 wars
[07:11:14] Me: you are up to Vietnam numbers
[07:13:05] Bill Lovejoy: Let's see 600,000 died last year in the US from cancer. 68,000 from drug overdoses, 50,000 from suicide... numbers are numbers. Did anyone try to deal with those issues?
[07:13:15] Me: and Trump and friends are pushing you to make it WORSE so his economic "numbers" will look good for November
[07:13:34] Me: the diff is these deaths were 100% preventable
[07:14:35] Bill Lovejoy: All politician is full of shit, they only aim for power and greed. It's the will of the people that matter
[07:14:51] Me: It *is* interesting to talk to someone with your perspective - it's totally mind-boggling in Canada that people think that way
[07:15:11] Me: the "will of the people" is subject to manipulation
[07:15:16] Me: that gave you Trump
[07:15:57] Bill Lovejoy: Ask the Swedish how the dealt with the virus
[07:16:08] Me: yup they are making the same mistake
[07:16:31] Me: preventable deaths are not "numbers"
[07:16:35] Bill Lovejoy: That is your opinion, it is not based on any real scientific fact
[07:16:39] Me: wow
[07:16:45] Me: would u like a reference?
[07:16:50] Me: perhaps a starting point?
[07:17:14] Bill Lovejoy: I am very well versed in the situation, I am an oncologist
[07:17:51] Me: that doesn't immunize you from happy think
[07:18:38] Bill Lovejoy: Can we talk about something else, you seem to be an emotional attachment to the political side of things
[07:19:06] Me: well I love the US and many people in it
[07:19:14] Me: it's tragic to see you guys circle the drain
[07:19:23] Me: if that's politics, so be it
[07:19:46] Bill Lovejoy: Everyone is working extremely hard to find solutions
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