Donald Trump - The World's Most Expensive Whore - VIP Discounts Available

When you call someone a "Hitler", you don't need to add much to the epithet. Hitler's historic combination of personality disorders, viscousness, and outright insanity requires no elaboration. He defines the class all by himself.

In the future, we will be calling someone a "Trump" for similar reasons. No need to expand upon the details of what it means to be a malignant narcissist and anyway, that hardly covers the grounds *. For example, it misses the spectacular ignorance and incompetence along with the psychopathy that pushes all narcissists into a fantasy world as their self-image is challenged by the real world.  

Perhaps the single best word to describe Trump is "whore". But his twisted narcissism is revealed in his eagerness to "give it away" to his VIP customers such as arch criminals like Vladimir Putin or Kim Jung-Un. In order to bask in the notoriety of such famous persons, Trump is willing to give away anything at all, including nuclear weapons for Kim and Ukraine for Vladimir.

For a good pounding by his imagined best friend, Vladimir, he's willing to sacrifice the very lives of American soldiers. To enjoy being screwed by Kim, he's chomping at the bit to withdraw troops from South Korea and welcome Kim to the nuclear club.
He genuinely loves his VIP customers and they love him too, but not in the way he thinks.

Meanwhile, back at home, he needs to find a way to boost his popularity among his small-time customers back home and make a profit in the process. There *must* be a way to make money out of the death of 130,000 Americans, right? All the while, "owning" the crisis to allow people to show how much they love you (for a price - you don't get the VIP discount).

Somehow, the new MAGA mask seems strangely appropriate when doing business with a $21.95 whore.

Many Americans will pay for the privilege of advertising their love while trying to avoid being killed by the viral outbreak caused by cheap thrills provided by the busiest whore in history.

The one and only "Trump". 

* Mary Trump confirms this in her best-selling book-length exposition of the Trump personality. Trump is not a "normal" sociopath.


  1. Who trumps Trump? I am not sure the democrats have my vote, I like Weinstein's Unity 2020 campaign. Let's give it up for your whore analogy! Do you think it fully captures the full spectrum of America's misguided tyranny? ... Of the majority that is! Can't wait to see what the next election brings, are we witnessing the decline and fall of the west due to bat guano and all that's viral?

  2. Let me suggest that a fuller description would be narcissistic sociopath.


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