Bitcoin, Money and Value
In the course of my online discussions, I have been tempted to provide a treatment of Bitcoin and related subjects (Modern Monetary Theory, "Fiat" money), etc. But, on examination, I seem to have already written enough on the subject. Check here.
I have changed my opinion that crypto is a "zero-sum" game. The reason is that some players are happy to lose money, which changes the whole picture.
There are major players who are glad to lose money in this market. If you are a criminal enterprise or a terrorist organization wanting to launder millions of dollars, a "loss" of 10% is totally acceptable. Crypto is, in other words, a godsend for organized crime. Among other reasons, these are one reason that governments of the world will soon consign all this crypto-crap to the trash bin overnight. I note that crypto-nerds regard this as impossible with almost religious fanaticism, nor are they willing to even discuss the fact that "winners" in this marketplace are financing terrorism and organized crime.
Like all laundering schemes, crypto has its challenges. At the end of the laundering pipeline, "real" money emerges, with all the challenges of accounting for its source. In fact, since governments can hack the blockchain, crypto may not be as good a choice for long.
Bitcoin is an interesting case. As of writing, the total amount of Bitcoin out there is close to $1 trillion Canadian. Bitcoin is the preferred method of payment for ransomware criminals, an industry that, according to some, has cost the world $20 billion by the end of 2021. It is fair to guess that the upward pressure on bitcoin price is fueled by the "demand" for Bitcoin from ransomware victims. Coincidentally, the current "circulating supply" of Bitcoin is about $20 Billion.
Any coordinated attack on the ransomware industry would obviously involve killing off Bitcoin. I have no sympathy for those whose speculative Bitcoin fortunes would vanish as a result of such a campaign. These speculators are basically betting on the success of a crime that touches victims from the little old ladies losing their family photos to hospitals trying to treat the sick.
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Crypto fans believe that Crypto is the future. To put this in perspective. The existing "money" system is fabulously successful and useful. Whatever you may think of, say, Bitcoin, it is not useful as a currency.
The foreign exchange or forex market is the largest financial market in the world – larger even than the stock market, with a daily volume of $6.6 trillion, according to the 2019 Triennial Central Bank Survey of FX and OTC derivatives markets.
To compare, crypto trades about 600 billion per day. That sounds impressive but it's a tiny fraction of "real" transactions. It's simply a measure of the size of crypto-crime activity boosted by speculation.
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Basic reference about Bitcoin - 2 books by Saifdean Ammous
Commentary on Bitcoin (basic text) and Fiat Currency (deep dive) from the point of view of "Austrian Economics".
There are many fundamental criticisms of "Fiat" that are not obvious. For example, reconciliation is slow and inefficient. (Elon Musk).
Another (Ammous) is that inflation is built into fiat. The banks are effectively "mining" fiat.
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