DRAFT ... Some "nerdy" thoughts as I try to get a "feel" for what experience is, according to Hawkins. Some back of the envelope numbers ... Hawkins does a great job of introducing a way of watching how consciousness works. Since reading his ideas, I have attempted to observe my own experience in the same way. Being a computer nerd, I think in terms of processing power, parallel threads, pixels, and resolution. According to the theory, my experience of the world is created by 100,000 "minds", creating 100,000 nested "frames". The computer screen I am using has 1920 x 1068 pixels, each capable of displaying Red, Green, and Blue in varying intensities = about 2 million pixels. A typical Web page has hundreds of screen elements that the computer decodes and displays smoothly and seamlessly. The retina of the eye has 130 million sensors but the signal to the brain involves about 10% of them at any given time. Without going into details, the computati...