
Showing posts from September, 2022

Evolution Reconsidered - 1

 Are we the DNA of evolving machines?  This thought has been the seed of some exciting insights. Machines evolve, but we downplay this by saying humans drive evolution.  It is not the machines themselves that "evolve." But perhaps we have missed the "essential analogy." For animals, DNA is the evolving blueprint for organisms such as us.  For machines, we have literal blueprints, and humans are the ones that create them, change them and share them with an underlying human goal in mind.  x made a stir by turning our idea of evolution inside out in his "Selfish Gene." According to this story, genes, not animals, compete and evolve.  The analogy I am proposing here is the same: the machine "evolves due to the evolution of designs created and maintained by humans. Elon Musk  (36:00) talks about self-driving cars this way.  He talks about autopilot "evolving" when of course, evolution is being driven by human creativity.  Is this "real...

John Vervaeke

I discovered this guy on Lex Fridman's podcast . Here are some links. Lex himself is pretty impressive here too. He's "unborabe." JV's scope of interests is broad and overlaps my own in many ways.  Responses... Our human organizations are not conscious, but they are intelligent and purposeful. The point raised in my blog is that this "larger" entity is stupid, like a computer application. "Wisdom" is avoiding foolishness. Self-deception. Bullshit. Lex pushes various ideas related to meaning as a process, a search. The meaning of life is to be found in the search. This is an aspect of Tao. One aspect of "knowing" is VR-type immersiveness. Attacking the "meaning crisis" with our "group mind" creates institutions that can replace or augment religion. Great discussion of what "Theism" and "Atheism" are all about. Personal being. Doctrine. "Being" is the ability of things to be ... there is...