John Vervaeke
I discovered this guy on Lex Fridman's podcast. Here are some links. Lex himself is pretty impressive here too. He's "unborabe." JV's scope of interests is broad and overlaps my own in many ways.
Our human organizations are not conscious, but they are intelligent and purposeful. The point raised in my blog is that this "larger" entity is stupid, like a computer application.
"Wisdom" is avoiding foolishness. Self-deception. Bullshit.
Lex pushes various ideas related to meaning as a process, a search. The meaning of life is to be found in the search. This is an aspect of Tao.
One aspect of "knowing" is VR-type immersiveness.
Attacking the "meaning crisis" with our "group mind" creates institutions that can replace or augment religion.
Great discussion of what "Theism" and "Atheism" are all about. Personal being. Doctrine. "Being" is the ability of things to be ... there is no "ground of all being." Meaning is at a deeper level than propositions. He makes a distinction between modern and ancient theism.
Is meaning made or discovered? The answer is that you participate.
There is a video with Jordan Peterson.
He pushes back on the idea of myth as a widely believed falsehood. The question is, how does the myth connect to you in your own life now. They are "sticky."
Power in "distributed cognition." 1:50. "Flow States" in distributed cognition.
1:57 A "medium for distributed cognition."
2:00 "Mindfulness" - an "ecology" of practices. Some insight on contemplation and integration. Re-framing. Advice. Practice. Contemplation. Flow state. Meditative practice is to focus on sensations rather than looking through them. Monkey mind.
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