Alberta 2023

 Here is a profile of Alberta's energy production and consumption.

Details of Alberta power plants are here.

In spite of brave "renewable" projects, Alberta depends on fossil fuels for electricity production. For the model, we can assume that Alberta will decarbonize its own economy at a rate that other regions and nations actually do (as opposed to what the politicians promise).

Here is a profile of agricultural production in Alberta. Our scenario involves solid growth in this sector, an expression of confidence in the industry to turn climate change into an advantage.

An important point to make is that "decarbonization" applies only to a carbon reduction in the percentage of energy used in the province. Exports of fossil fuels appear on somebody else's budget. Not everyone is floating on a sea of oil. Many nations will need to import fossil fuels for the foreseeable future. This is a point of confusion among climate alarmists, who, for instance, want to shut down pipelines to prevent the export of nasty fossil fuels. Such individuals also tend to abhor capitalism in general, requiring their utopian projects to be funded by a command economy. This thinking reflects a global agenda, such as net zero by (you name it). This, in turn, requires stamping out fossil fuel production in any way possible.

This is the nasty secret that Federal Governments dare not speak. We can't kill our economy to save ourselves. Nor is there any reason to do so. Token commitments to "fight climate change" are politically necessary as long as they don't bite into Canada's GDP. This is the "Iron Law."

One might also wonder if it makes sense for a region rich in fossil fuels to "decarbonize" faster than the world at large. The final decision will be based on economic and political considerations. 


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