

  • Catastrophic past (floods)
    • Climate change will spell other changes
    • Rising sea levels should be gradual enough to cope
    • Except in very low-lying regions, especially river deltas
  • "Old World"
  • Nutrition
  • Interesting small community landscape architecture
  • Circles
  • Wealth cap
  • To each according to his/her needs
  • True cost accounting - a good idea (accounts for externalities)
    • Implies government audit or taxes on externalities such as a carbon tax
  • Blow up the jets and yachts but pipelines too
    • Must agree about the yachts and private jets
  • Specifically anti-capitalist
  • Amphibious buildings (ducks)
  • Governance counsel (random selection)
  • compost toilets
  • brilliant library (books)
  • domes
  • old fashioned letters
  • The production quality of the video is quite good
  • It's not clear if the pictures go with the "idea."
  • Pictures show a modern city
    • So how does this fit with composting toilets?
  • The library is a great idea, but why not the cloud?
  • Emergence is assumed to be built on past catastrophes, namely the flood that is likely to come with climate change, especially to low-lying cultures in SE Asia.
  • There is a strong, violet anti-capitalist theme.
  • The assumption that smart people will sit in a circle and come up with wise decisions has been tried and failed in virtually all representative democracies. Would random selection improve things? Government by jury?
  • There is at least a hint of scale to city size
  • Everyone seems to be on the ground all the time, what goes on in the towers?


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