Thriveopolis Commentary


  • Focus on privacy and ownership of data
  • education
  • government prioritizes the life of citizens - how?
  • health care
  • agriculture
  • climate change - agriculture
  • waste 
  • burial
Left out
  • Path to achievement, time line
  • Climate change denial - we can recycle our way out of climate change
    • Pretend that the rest of the world doesn't matter
  • Narrow idea of government - basically just vanilla socialism
    • No vision of society, control, multi-level government or citizenship
    • "the" government "finally gets it"
  • No mention of scale
  • Hand waving about climate change 
  • Agricultural plans inefficient without automation, and fertilizer, so how do you feed the population
  • Hand waving at information issues - just privacy, no AGI
  • Data questions are not just computer issues. Ownership of information a bigger issue


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