Generative AI - Deep Dive

 This is a draft - made "public" for my very few followers 


In what sense does it "understand". It's easy to fake understanding if AI is presented with an example of something that's all over its training data. But pick an original photograph. Much less impressive.

The original photo - my mother-in-law (104) 
A mutual love affair


Image shows an elderly woman sitting comfortably on a couch or chair. She appears to be wearing a black sweater or top and has short gray hair. Next to her is a fluffy white dog, likely a poodle or similar breed, sitting close and providing companionship. The woman seems relaxed, holding some papers or documents in her lap, perhaps reading them. The setting looks cozy with cushions and a wooden or laminate floor visible in the background.

It's not too terrible, actually. Most humans would not identify the dog as a "Golden Doodle." Humans may not mistake the coffee table for a floor, but most would miss it entirely. Placing it in the "background" is typical of AI's problems with spatial arrangements, subtly thinking that the old lady is reading the documents rather than cuddling the dog.

Most impressive is how AI captures the mood.

 A 104 year old woman reclining comfortably on a couch. She appears to be wearing a black sweater or top and has short gray hair. Next to her is a fluffy white golden doodle,. The setting looks cozy with cushions and a wooden or laminate floor visible in the background
(slightly edited to age the lady and identify the dog without much success - not a Golden Doodle cut)
(this is Microsoft DALL-E)

"Night Cafe nails it, getting the dog breed right and picking up lady's age and the cuddle theme. No nonsense about the "floor" or papers.

Another Night Cafe shot picks up the classic Doodle face

Nails the mood, gets rid of irrelevant detail

These are examples of AI at its best. A bit of tweaking helps with image interpretation. AI has no trouble coming up with cute pictures on the theme. Looking "under the hood," we see that there are a lot of pictures with that theme, making it easy for AI to come up with something "similar."


Same prompt, multiple results. Often amazing but no way the "promoter" can take any kind of credit. Provide a few examples of AI images from given prompt. Tremendoius differences and epic fails point out the tenuous connection with the prompt. The result is amazing but in some way it's just a pretty good creation based on a known set of images.

There is a statistical concept that's applicable. Any measurement must be consistent before you wonder if anything real is being measured.


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