
This post gives me a glimpse into a typical morning with half a dozen AI tools at my elbow. The theme is "partnership": a flow of ideas and information back and forth between me, my human contacts and AI assistants. Grammarly made this paragraph a bit more readable. Grammarly is a writing assistant that is now so common we forget that its ability to "understand" and improve English would have been regarded as "AI" two years ago. Once such things become familiar, the goalposts are moved, and Grammarly is no longer considered "AI". In the following, Grammarly constantly corrects and re-words every sentence, hopefully for the better.

I spend some time learning from a member of a Facebook group I moderate, tweaking his prompt:

"a woman with a contemplative expression,. Her gaze is directed downwards, and she seems to be lost in thought. The background is a complex tapestry of intricate designs and patterns, blending both organic and geometric shapes in a harmonious chaos that suggests a fusion of technology and nature. Amidst the abstract elements, there are words like "Intelligence" and "Efficiency," hinting at themes related to knowledge and productivity. "

Google Translates as:

Using a text message, I shared this picture with my wife, who is experiencing a bit of grief from her recent COVID shot.

Yesterday, I met a political activist from Nepal in Second Life. He's a cartoonist and art lecturer interested in Generative AI.  After a lengthy discussion, I asked, "What is the current political situation in Nepal?" Unlike a Google search, the response was ad-free and comprehensive. I asked a follow-up question about the scandal mentioned (not shown).

The current political situation in Nepal is characterized by a mix of instability, ongoing political maneuvering, and some positive developments amidst challenges. Here's a summary of the key aspects:

Political Instability and Coalition Politics

  • Nepal experienced political instability throughout 2023, with Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, leading a coalition government, having to navigate through significant political challenges. Despite securing a strong vote of confidence in January 2023, Dahal's coalition showed signs of fragility, leading to another vote of confidence in March with the support of the Nepali Congress
  • The political landscape is dominated by a trio of septuagenarian leaders: Dahal, Sher Bahadur Deuba of the Nepali Congress, and Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli of the CPN-UML. This has led to criticisms of protecting corrupt individuals, promoting nepotism, and a lack of transparency in governance
  • The parliament passed only one piece of legislation in 2023, indicating a legislative deadlock and a focus on political survival over governance

Rise of Independent Politicians and New Parties

  • Independent politicians and new parties, such as the Rastriya Swatantra Party, have gained traction, reflecting public dissatisfaction with traditional political parties. These new forces are credited with bringing fresh perspectives and initiatives, such as developing a parliamentary calendar and engaging the Nepali diaspora

Economic and Social Developments

  • Despite political challenges, Nepal saw positive macroeconomic indicators in 2023, including GDP growth, stable inflation, and an increase in foreign exchange reserves. The country also welcomed a record number of tourists post-COVID-19, indicating a rebound in international and domestic travel
  • Nepal registered its first same-sex marriage in 2023, marking a significant step towards inclusivity and recognition of LGBTQ+ rights


  • The country continues to face large-scale scams with legal outcomes often influenced by political protection. Notable cases include the fake Bhutanese refugee scam and the Lalita Niwas land scam, implicating high-profile politicians
  • Nepal's efforts to implement federalism have been met with challenges, including dissatisfaction with provincial governments and limited support from the federal government
  • Human rights concerns persist, including police officers accused of rights violations not being held accountable and political interference in corruption investigations. Additionally, Nepal's citizenship law continues to discriminate against women

Geopolitical Considerations

  • Nepal navigates a delicate balance between its two powerful neighbors, China and India, with political affiliations influencing its foreign relations. The country's geopolitical position adds another layer of complexity to its internal politics
In summary, Nepal's political situation is marked by ongoing instability, new political forces challenging the status quo, and significant social and economic developments amidst enduring challenges and geopolitical considerations.

I am working to understand AI as a natural continuation of the work I did way back in 1969. One realization is that "AI" is based on "Large Language Models (LLM)". One implication is that various AI applications will likely "understand each other" since they work in the same language universe. Just for fun, I asked "NightCafe", a Generative AI application, to interpret:

Independent politicians and new parties, such as the Rastriya Swatantra Party, have gained traction, reflecting public dissatisfaction with traditional political parties. These new forces are credited with bringing fresh perspectives and initiatives, such as developing a parliamentary calendar and engaging the Nepali diaspora

The following pictures are "called up" as a way to represent the paragraph:

"Public dissatisfaction with traditional political parties"

NightCafe effectively goes from the "caption" to the picture.

All this reflects a morning coffee with AI. It's not a big project. It's just a normal AI-assisted train of thought.


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