eSkeptic: Science Education is No Guarantee of Skepticism
This from the eSkeptic .. (subscribe now!!!)
Bottom line: The way "Science" is taught in the schools, it fails to provide the "Baloney Detector" that Carl Sagan felt was the #1 piece of intellectual equipment that schools should be providing for their students.
Thankfully, the issue is front and centre in the serious scientific community, specifically the AAAS, the one of the premier organization of professional Scientists.
The main problem is simple: Schools tend to teach Scientific "facts" but not the process of Science or the Scientific mind-set, which is inherently skeptical. Kids need to be taught to think "What is really going on here?", to pose theories, to discuss them, to do experiments and conduct investigations. Most importantly, they need to learn to discuss their observations and learn how to rule out theories that are not backed by experience. Perhaps the most important experience in a young life is to feel what it is like to have a cherished, "obvious" belief overthrown by his or her own classmates just on the basis of evidence and logic. After all, Science seldom tells us for sure what is right. It is a method for ruling out what is wrong.
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