Dog Park

Humans are perhaps not the only creatures blessed with theory of mind, but we are certainly the only ones who spend so much time inside the heads of other creatures, including our fellow humans, but also other animals -- especially dogs.

Walking a dog is basically taking a furry avatar out for a run. You are constantly picturing how the world is experienced from the (imagined) dog's point of view. This is a ton of fun in a dog park, where your furry avatar is having a really great time.
This dolphin pup came to check us out in the open ocean. I was wondering what it would be like to be a dolphin -- fun i guessed. Was he wondering what it was like to be me?
Meanwhile the adults were just a few meters away, watching out for their child, seeing what he was seeing and a thousand more things than I could see or even imagine. Frankly my mind doesn't stretch to picturing what is like to be three dolphins at once, but that was clearly what was going on.


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