First Stop, Real World
I'm totally addicted to blogging and here I go starting another blog!
I travel around a lot while sitting on my rear end. I'd love to share the places I visit with you. First stop is the "real world". I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Being born in this city was the first of a long series of very smart decisions I have made in my life. When I tell people I'm from Canada, the first thing they think is "cold" and it does get cold! Here's a video I shot out my front door with the camcorder my wife bought me for Xmas, 2012.
What people don't usually realize about Canada is that there are places where winter is much more bearable. This video was taken just a few days earlier on the West Coast -- Vancouver Island.
I travel around a lot while sitting on my rear end. I'd love to share the places I visit with you. First stop is the "real world". I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Being born in this city was the first of a long series of very smart decisions I have made in my life. When I tell people I'm from Canada, the first thing they think is "cold" and it does get cold! Here's a video I shot out my front door with the camcorder my wife bought me for Xmas, 2012.
What people don't usually realize about Canada is that there are places where winter is much more bearable. This video was taken just a few days earlier on the West Coast -- Vancouver Island.
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