The Death of Spin

Pitcher's insightful book of 2002 charts a turning point that many of us may have otherwise missed. Until the late 20th century, politicians could get away with "spinning" the news in the faith that what you say about what is happening is the important thing. How it looks rather than how it is.

This is getting harder and harder as ordinary slobs like me have access to massive sources of detailed information. Of course, some if it is still "spun" in one direction or another but we quickly learn to see the spin and seek relatively spin-free sources of information.

The current struggle of Jeb Bush is a case in point. He's an old fashioned politician, trying to come to terms with the way his brother "spun" the American media to go along with the war he always wanted. The truth "on the ground" is out, exposing George II as a liar and war criminal.  So how does Jeb manage to continue the dynasty started by his father? His struggles are epic and instructive for those of us who believe that the culture of bullshit is gradually losing ground to the culture of "facts on the ground".

This is bad news for the ruling class, but also for their opponents, the spin doctors of the "left", such as Chris Hedges. With all its warts, the Internet is proving to be a forum that is a fertile field for those who are seeking the facts.


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