
Ever since I mounted a sting operation to expose the vast Santa Clause conspiracy (age 4), I have been asking impertinent questions. You could say I'm a born skeptic.

I built my "day job" as a computer guy around my skepticism. A systems analyst assumes nothing. My impertinent questions got me fired more than once.

Along the way, I became a youth minister in the United Church and studied Theology at Queen's University. I gained a deep appreciation for the foundations and history of Christianity along with influence of myth on our lives Eventually, my skepticism triumphed and I was forced to find new ways answers to my impertinent questions.

Now retired, with no more need for a "day job", I have returned to the quest I started as a child. I suppose you could sum it up by asking, "If not Santa, then what?"

The twists and turns of my journey are documented in my blog "Diary of a Christian Skeptic".


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