Islam: The Way of Strangers - Graeme Wood
"Plenty of ... Islamic State recruits, like plenty of normal people, are dullards and goofballs, incapable of articulating the beliefs that rule their lives. At best they are proficient at parroting them, with the same brain shrinking effects apparent in Hare Kristna ... They know these things because they have been taught them, and not because they have crafted their ideologies or studied classical Arabic... [they] are easily lead"
Graeme Wood is no friend of Islam. But he went to amazing lengths to find any kind of logic in the world view of ISIS. More specifically, is there any light at all between what ISIS believes and those who claim Islam is a "religion of peace"? "The Way" is a long series of interviews with "true believers, ISIS "scholars" and the learned lights of Islam who claim that ISIS has somehow got it wrong in their interpretation of the supposedly infallible Koran and sayings of the Prophet.
It is a case study of how religion works and how dangerous it can become.
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