Evolution Versus Creation
Placeholder for a more detailed treatment ...
The modern emphasis on "evolution" challenges the old creation myths. While "evolution" technically simply means "change", the concept has come to mean:
The modern emphasis on "evolution" challenges the old creation myths. While "evolution" technically simply means "change", the concept has come to mean:
- slow change over "deep" time;
- change that runs against entropy (increasing randomness), leading to increasing complexity and increasing local order
The idea applies to many areas other than biology. For example, the heavy elements were not always here. They evolved through a process of stellar evolution, death, and reconstruction. These elements, like carbon, oxygen and all the rest are more complex than what was there at the beginning (hydrogen, helium, and lithium) and it took billions of years to form them.
The popular concept that "evolution" is virtually identical to "survival of the fittest" is misleading. The related idea that "life" cannot exist without some kind of "Darwinian" evolution is likewise without foundation. The most we can say is: here on Earth, life can and does change through a process of Darwinian evolution. We know of at least one other way that things evolve: design. We also know that design itself evolves, but by a mechanism of its own.
But all this contrasts sharply with the outright creation of fully-formed organisms (not to mention the Earth itself) featured in virtually all mythical accounts, including Genesis. This places the idea of "evolution" in conflict with the mythology behind all formal religions. This has the awkward effect of exposing the arbitrary nature of these mythologies, leading one to suspect that none of them have any claim to factual accuracy.
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