Conflicting Views on Money And Debt
" Modern Monetary Theory " is a great introduction to the subject, but I went away feeling that the treatment was rather vague and lacking in detail. In particular, the role of government debt was barely mentioned. MMT claims correctly that the government can create whatever money that makes sense within a broad range of budgetary constraints, but dismisses concern over the "deficit", merely remarking that "deficit = spending - taxes" makes no mathematical sense since it implies that taxes are raised to cover expenses. But why does the government borrow money it can just as well print? MMT claims that such debt can always be serviced by printing more money, but who receives such money? My hunch was that it went into bank profits and savings by the rich. This remains an un-answered question. To shed more light on this, I turned back to " Web of Debt ". While the MMT book focused on government debt, "Web" is mainly about bank debt - ...