The Skin Cell Who Wanted to be a Neuron
A quick note, loosely related to Damasio's ideas (Strange Order of Things).
All cells in the body have the same DNA, but, during development, they are persuaded (by means not entirely clear) to suppress almost all of it and express only the DNA needed to create proteins appropriate to their assigned role. Thus, for example, a cell "decides" to become a skin cell rather than a neuron or stomach lining.
The same thing happens with the individual embedded in the body of society. As a teenager, I imagined I had the "DNA" to become any one of the following:
All cells in the body have the same DNA, but, during development, they are persuaded (by means not entirely clear) to suppress almost all of it and express only the DNA needed to create proteins appropriate to their assigned role. Thus, for example, a cell "decides" to become a skin cell rather than a neuron or stomach lining.
The same thing happens with the individual embedded in the body of society. As a teenager, I imagined I had the "DNA" to become any one of the following:
- airline pilot
- soldier
- architect
- high school teacher
- drug dealer
- philosopher
- reporter
- author
- politician
What I finally became (computer programmer) was a result of external pressures - the need of society at the time for computer programmers. This need was expressed by meeting my own needs (for money to support my new wife). In this way, I was convinced to suppress all my other possibilities and fit into society in a certain way. This always bothered me - that I had so much potential but could use only the talents I could sell. But perhaps I am just a skin cell that wanted to be a neuron.
The other insight was regarding individuals who either cannot find their "niche" or go out on their own with no concern whatever except individual survival. Perhaps they are the cancer cells of the social body.
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