A Close-Up View of the Trump Psychosis

(Based on my Amazon review of Bolton's "Room Where It Happened")

This is a dreadful piece of writing, devoted mainly to advocating the Bolton view of world affairs that gave us the Gulf War and all that followed.

Bolton characterizes Trump as ignorant, incompetent, and ill-suited to the job. This is the way Bolton characterizes all his opponents, which tends to have the effect of pulling his punches against the ignoramus in chief.

He does, however, provide a consistent close-up of Trump's pattern of behavior, confirming dozens of other sources. It particularly shines a light on Trump's delusion that he's a great negotiator and beloved of such arch criminals as Kim Jung-Un and Vladimir Putin. He has no insight into the motives of others, seeing these relationships only in terms of his own grand self-image. The result continues to be a catastrophe on every front. This includes facilitating North Korea's dream of becoming a full-fledged nuclear power.


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