Drift - Rachel Maddow
I must admit to being a rabid fan of Rachel Maddow. In my experience, she is the smartest person in the public eye. For many, her fame and success distract from the depth and insight of her insights.
This book is a deeply informative history of the USA's "drift" toward militarism. Don't be distracted by the fact that it's an entertainment page-turner.
Rachel reviews the process that led to the US military going off the leash from the Viet Nam war to the present day. As usual, I will use this post for a few notes on the subject.
I was skeptical about the Grenada invasion from the start. Maddow provides the details. It's worse than I thought. A farce from start to finish.
DynCorp's sex slaves in Bosnia. Claim that US law did not apply in Bosnia or USA.
Some sex slaves with 14-year-old sex slaves.
Sex videos.
DynCorp was bought out approx 2020.
=================== Designed for TV War =============
The new operating metaphor was lots of threats - Saddam being #1
The key to Cheney's role in subcontracting military support to companies associated with Cheney.
$300 billion LOGCAP contracts. No idea how many people. MPRI->L3 training officers ...
No systematic review of contractor performance.
Al Gore was behind the LOGCAP monster.
Privatization made it easier to go to war.
Rachel's sources are amazing. She seems to read everyone's memoirs.
"Bosnia never existed and it never will" - Melosevic.
Americans in the Balkans for 8 years!!
People don't care about the deaths of contractors. "Pay to play, pop up army."
============== Chapter 8 "One Hell of a Killing Machines =========
Blackwater --XE - Acadami (wasn't that the one who absorbed MPRI?)
"Death TV"
CIA is a fighting force, totally unaccountable. Doesn't even acknowledge the existence of drones.
CIA is now de facto branch of the Armed Forces. The budget is also not revealed.
Also, domestic surveillance.
Private contractors are not legally accountable to congress.
JSOC Joint Special Operations Command - Elite bad-ass soldiers. 1,000 "Ollie Norths" directly coordinated by the White House. No congressional oversight at all.
The public is not only out of the decision loop, they don't even know wars are happening.
Our way of waging war now involves minimal pushback. Minimal impact on the public.
Lost more to suicide than enemy fire.
Reserves deployed at last to Iraq. Through sheer repetition and volume, America has gotten used to it. In 2001, the US spent as much as all others combined. Balkans 1 to 1 contractor.
Bush massively cut taxes while 2 wars ramped up. 850,000 people with security clearances. Cost just added to the deficit. So, no cost at all. Reason to stay in Iraq, Afghanistan a moving target.
"Can do Central" :)
======== Chapter 10 OMFG - A Nuclear Career Field ==========
C-130 refits 8 million each. "Wing Box" -- i.e., they need to be retired.
8 Trillion on nukes. Nobody knows how to refurbish existing weapons.
At one point, 31,000 weapons were ready to go.
Not easy to walk away from an 8 Trillion investment.
Looking for a creative new use for nukes.
11 lost nuclear bomb
about 2,500 are ready to go now
650 million allocated to upgrade the nuke force
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