Dr. John Christy May Change Your Mind About Climate Change
The best "quick and dirty" introduction I've found to Dr. Christy is here. I have ordered his book, but, at the time of writing, I have not read it. I urge my readers to take the time to watch the video. You can be sure I will add a little of value here.
Dr. Christy was brought to my attention by my wife's cousin, Graeme Phipps. We have had a long discussion on this topic. In my own case, the problem was Christy's "bottom line" was hidden in a barrel of bad apples such as Gregory Wrightstone (enough said). Many "climate skeptics" are right for the wrong reasons or paid to peddle a preconceived view and are therefore not convincing.
It is striking that Dr. Christy's presentation, which must get high marks for clarity, conciseness, and relevance, was attended sparsely attended in "real life." Christy is a voice howling in the wilderness."Polarization" is at work here. On both the "left" and the "right," we subscribe to a package of beliefs and try to push them forward into policy over the opposition who is, for some strange reason, always misinformed, biased, and in the pay of the Devil.
We all think we're immune from "polarization." I did. The cure is respectful dialog. Find common ground and work from there.
The central Scientific claim that Christy makes is that we have spent decades looking for a "signal" that demonstrates the effect of C02 on climate, and we have failed to do so. In fact, we have failed so completely that we need to abandon the hypothesis.
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