This video got me thinking about Schopenhauer. The video also mentions Kant's view that the world "as such" only exists in the human mind.
"The 'real' world is fundamentally inaccessible to us"
"Time and space have their ultimate reality in the mind, not the 'world'" - para Kant.
"The World as Representation" - Schopenhauer.
"The World as Representation" is a philosophical concept developed by Arthur Schopenhauer. According to Schopenhauer, the world that we perceive is not the actual reality, but a representation constructed by our own minds. He argues that our perception of the world is limited by our senses and the way our minds interpret the information they receive. These representations are subjective and can differ from person to person. Schopenhauer suggests that we can only truly understand the world by going beyond these representations through self-awareness and introspection.
Limitations of language, which depend on time and space for its forms.
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