In Hinduism, the concept that the world is a dream is closely tied to the belief in Maya, which refers to the illusory nature of the material world. According to Hindu philosophy, Maya is the cosmic illusion that makes the physical world seem real and tangible, while actually being transient and unreal.

The idea that the world is a dream can be understood in several ways within Hinduism:

1. Illusion of Reality: Hinduism views the material world as an illusionary realm that deceives individuals into perceiving it as permanent and separate from the divine. Just as in a dream, things appear real and solid, but they are ultimately unreal and temporary. This illusionary nature of the world is believed to prevent individuals from realizing their true nature and the ultimate reality.

2. Transitory Nature: Hinduism teaches that everything in the physical world, including our bodies, thoughts, and emotions, are constantly changing and impermanent. Similar to a dream that fades away upon waking up, the world is seen as ever-changing and transient. This perspective encourages individuals to detach from the material world and seek a deeper understanding of the eternal reality beyond transient experiences.

3. Veil of Ignorance: The world being a dream suggests that individuals are living in a state of ignorance, unaware of their true spiritual nature. Hinduism teaches that the ultimate reality is Brahman, the formless and limitless aspect of existence, and our individual selves (Atman) are an extension of Brahman. However, due to the illusion of Maya, individuals remain trapped in the dream of worldly pursuits, attachments, and desires, forgetting their ultimate connection to the divine.

4. Awakening to Ultimate Reality: Just as awakening from a dream brings one closer to the state of wakefulness, in Hinduism, the goal is to awaken from the illusion of the world and realize one's true nature and the ultimate reality. This awakening is often referred to as self-realization or enlightenment (moksha). Through spiritual practices like meditation, self-inquiry, and seeking knowledge, individuals can transcend the illusory nature of the dream-like world and attain liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

It is important to note that this concept is not meant to demean or dismiss the significance of the physical world but rather encourages individuals to recognize its temporary and illusory nature and seek a deeper understanding of the eternal reality beyond it.


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